LEGO Fortnite update size on PC, PS5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch explored

The official downtime for LEGO Fortnite has begun. It is being called update v28.01. Since it is targeted towards the new mode, it will not change or add/remove things from Battle Royale and Save The World. As such, the update size is rather small this time around, and you will not have to wait long to jump into the game once the update is out.

That being said, here is the possible LEGO Fortnite update size for Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Keep in mind that the size of the update may vary if the current version of the game that's installed on your device is not the latest (v28.00).

LEGO Fortnite update size on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch

As mentioned, with the update being specific to the upcoming LEGO mode, the size is not very large. According to leaker/data miner MidaRado, the maximum file size would be 3 GB. Here is the size of the update for all possible platforms:

  • PC: 3.7
  • PS4 and PS5: 2.3 GB and 3 GB
  • Xbox: 2.97 GB
  • Nintendo Switch: 1.5 GB

Keep in mind that these numbers are subject to change based on several factors. Nevertheless, they are very small in comparison to the update size when Chapter 5 Season 1 was launched. With downtime still underway, the update could take some time.

LEGO Fortnite x Marvel and Star Wars

With the downtime still underway, leakers/data-miners are revealing content that players could expect to see in-game soon. This includes more collaborations with LEGO. New Star Wars and Marvel LEGO Outfits will be added to the game soon, according to leakers.

Given that LEGO has collaborated with numerous brands over the years, players can expect many more such crossovers. As mentioned by Epic Games, over time, more content will be added to the new game mode.

The sheer scope and size of things to yet come is unknown, but considering that Epic Games has been pushing the envelope, this is just the start. However, players will have to wait for servers to come online before experiencing the magical world of LEGO Fortnite first hand.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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