Star: Giuliana Rancic is dangerously thin, people are concerned

Apart from the photos of Giuliana Rancic at the Golden Globes two weeks ago (above), all of these photos are from 2009 to 2011. Giuliana was thin back then, but she wasn’t as tiny as she is now. Of course in 2011 Giuliana found out that she had breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy following an unsuccessful lumpectomy. Giuliana went through so much battling cancer, and she got right back to work at E! afterwards like a trooper. Then she and Bill welcomed a baby boy via gestational carrier in 2012 and she’s been full speed ever since.

My point is that Giuliana is an overachiever, a fighter and a hard worker and I have some sympathy for what she’s been through. I don’t always see eye to eye with her and I think she’s somewhat superficial (aren’t we all), but that doesn’t mean I’m on board with this narrative about how thin she is. I do see that she’s incredibly tiny, but it makes me uncomfortable when people just say “eat something.” It’s not always that simple, you know? Anyway, Star has a whole story about this, based largely around Internet comments. Here’s some of what they’re reporting, with more in this week’s print edition:

By the time Giuliana changed into a strapless pink Maria Lucia Hohan mermaid gown to interview celebrity arrivals, worried fans were blowing up her Instagram account. “Skin and bones skeleton in a night dress,” wrote one follower.

“People are concerned please take care of yourself!!” another alarmed fan wrote after Giuliana posted a shot of a row of diamond bracelets that were almost falling off her tiny wrist.

“Please eat. I love you but I feel really uncomfortable watching you.” It was a sentiment shared by many, as Giuliana, who’s [sic] thinning frame has long been a concern for friends and fans, now appears to have reached an all-time low.

Health and beauty consultant Alicia Hunter estimates Giuliana’s weight at 98 lbs – way below the 130 to 170 ons experts say a 5’9” woman should carry.

[From Star Magazine, print edition, February 2, 2015]

Some people don’t eat when they’re stressed out. I have the opposite problem, I will eat more, especially snack food. I have to exercise and put everything into MyFitnessPal or I will gain weight just dealing with normal life crap. I do have friends who forget to eat when they’re busy or depressed. They are rare, but they exist. Star points out later in the article that Giuliana used to have a fitness blog where she would write down what she ate. Her recommended diet didn’t even add up to 900 calories a day. A minimum of 1,200 calories is recommended for women. (I’m 5’8″ and will lose weight on 1,200 calories.) So she probably does need to eat more, and I think it’s only human nature to notice that she’s underweight. At what point does it go from concern to body shaming though? I’ll answer my own question, when people assume that she can just eat something and gain weight. We don’t know what’s going on with her.

I checked Giuliana’s twitter and Instagram and she’s shilling her wine and promoting her upcoming memoir. Right now she’s on vacation in Mexico. I just got reminded of when she tried to do a shot with Clooney at the Globes. Awkward.

Giuliana Rancic

Giuliana Rancic and Bill Rancic

The 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards!

72nd Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals

Photo credit: FameFlynet and
